Monday, June 18, 2007

Sudden Demise of Ketan's Mother

Hearing the news i was shocked to my can this be happened and more particularly why this happened.........Ketan and Kamal use to go emotional sometimes........They are not ready to accept the turbulances of life sometimes i feel....but this sudden death of ketan's mother just completly shook all of us.......there was a family i know who was alwayz happy and alwaz together....but life took its toil and has given a strong blow.........what all seemed a wonderful life just seemed doomed now.......there were lots of whys being asked now to god and to oneself...why these kind of things happen to me only.....I know there are no specific answers to these myriads of questions.......but i know for a gave me a lesson a strong lesson......i was alwaz busy with my own world......i did not have time for my family and sometimes to my frnds......i used to think i would be happy when i do this and when i would get to this position.......but the joy the bliss u miss during this time is not recountable.........alwaz i keep on putting it to latter date which should be on my top priority..........After having seen the conditions of poor ketan...i realized that its true that life is indeed too short...and what time we have should be enjoyed than to worry or brooding about past and future........I know the philoshical books advocates same theorey but to fit it into ur life is really a herculean task......i know we are here to eventually wants us to conquer evry problems.......we will all fight.....and i know for a sure that ketan would have courage enough to fight all the difficulties and will finally emerge as a winner........Bless Ya!!!!!!!!!!!

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