Lately I have started preferring the air travel. More and more people prefer air route than conventional modes of transportation thanks to the economies and time cut short by the air lines.
Today's flight from Mumbai to Bhopal made me pensive this time and made me to reflect on few things.
I always prefer window seat to aisle and middle so that I can look down, do not know why i have this strange fascination.
So today when I was usually looking down, these thoughts popped in mind:
That it’s such a vast world out there, and every self and u r just a tiny drop in the ocean and yet we keep ourselves into oblivion through our lives that we r the center of the universe.
That this world would be as such and would be more vast and powerful when u were not there and would remain that way when u r gone.
That it’s us that keep adding misery to our lives with all the self doubts and negativities. Even we have ephemeral time to be around.
So I have made myself some promises of some dos and do nots, I would be adhering to.
I won’t frown if somebody maligns about me.
I won’t fear from taking any risks.
I would be respecting and loving the people more who matter to me.
I won’t mind if my office vacillates me from one place to another.
I won’t mind if I am not accepted some where.
I would be working more hard on my goals.
Pretty sagey na....guys that’s the way I am.
nice one bhai.........n love u
Yes, thats what we love about u :-)
Nice Article. Keep writing..:-)
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