Tuesday, March 14, 2017

An Open Letter to AAP Punjab

Though being a staunch BJP and Akali Supporter through out my life, many should believe I have no desire and inclination to write to AAP about what went wrong in this elections for AAP. Some still label me as Modi Bhakt.

I am as ordinary person as anybody can be and some will doubt what authority led me into writing to you and being not actively involved in politics may further reduce my chances of the advice which I will proclaim. Some of my prime reasons for this write up Are:

1. The larger image of alternate politics which AAP projected still kindles in many hearts.
2. Democracy can thrive only when there are active alternates and where is good opposition.
3. Record Some of the vital experience and feelings that we all have gone through this high decible spectacle.
4. Advices from all over the places will be pouring onto you and I thought why not I should also give it a try.

I always believe with conviction in strong democracy and though AAP started with such a strong reasons at the outset, it veered off completely in the middle leading to such a drubbing. The urgent introspection is needed so that some of the vital short comings can be undone which are important for this country to move forward.

But it's really really important for good introspection if you will not cajaole from the following:
1. Still AAP came second and we will be the main opposition party
2. In 3 Years Time we manage to do that much amount of work
3. We got the Akali- BJP nexas and they will not be able to resurface in future.

Mind you these things will do more harm to you as a party:

1. Akali- BJP was destined to loose this time due to Huge Anti-incumbancy Factor and AAP was right fit to capitalise on these factors, the projected issues of chitta, drugs, corruptions will remain as these are too much exaggerated during elections.

2. AAP was supposed to earn more than 85+ seats, Raghav Chadha went on TV to claim that he will quit active politics, that means stakes and expectations were too high from AAP and you did not deliver on this.

Contrary to the facts that has been projected during elections let me apprise you of what other faction of people felt in Punjab.

1. Silently and Slowly the people who have been given tickets on AAP were becoming more authoritative and some times resorted to cohercion for intimidating other party Supporters, you will not appreciate, the revenge factor played a big factor in people moving away from your support. U would like to ask for ground reports from ur volunteers where in AAP partymen forcefully barged into others homes and exchange of bullets have happened.
2. Many places Tickets were not given to commoners and this led into people believing AAP has become Khas Admi Party.
3. Always Opposing Prime minister and Centre Government even on its good work lead people in believing your anarchist ways. People want a diplomatic and negotiating government for working not the people who always keeps on dealing others Head On. This surely obstructs the work. The tone used by everybody against PM led to lowering of the values bestowed by our constitution. Siding with just anybody and everybody who is against Center also damaged the image, no matter what and how you justify it
4. Passing the buck by Delhi Government on Centre for every folly was another reason. In business it is always told to be good negotiator and get the things done. But Delhi Government first time is creating anarchy and then fooling people Center is not allowing them to work
5. Never ever heard of Dalit Card in Punjab Before, leading people in believing AAP is worst than contemporary Politics.
6. Punjabis can never be controlled by remote, nature has deeply emboldened this attribute into Punjabis. Courage and valuing courage are also some of Punjabis Key attributes. Many Times it was felt that AAP Center is calling all the shots and the regional leadership is not having any decision making capability and not projecting the CM face also lead into believing AAP Punjab is fearful. Look at the Darings of Captain Amrinder Singh and Sardar Navjot Singh Sidhu who have the guts in taking decisions without thinking of repurcussions and silently people supported them.
7. A Large chunk of people from Punjab Work Outside Punjab and AAP image is so maligned due to actions of AAP Delhi that they will never support AAP for that and image has to be cleaned and truce has to be reached some where with others and Center government
8. Absence of Delhi Government Politicans from office for long and going frequently on holidays also lead into people believing these guys are good for nothing
9.Too much advertisement also went against you, it makes people believe in two things a) no other government is doing this at such a massive scale b) these guys badly want power and want themselves to retain the government's perhaps you forgot the silent marketing concept by people.
10. No clear stand on anything and too many U-Turns - Mostly people complaints about this from SYL to Z Security etc.
11. Not Able to retain, placate intial founding members and mentors such as Anna Hazra, Yadav Ji etc. This lead to total destruction of the Image.
12. Appeasement Politics - Though I am not sure about this many people told me that AAP was giving air to radicals and so much fear was there among people
13. Exaggeration - Every Country and State has its list of problems, the drugs problem is there in Punjab like in Delhi and Himachal, it has been too much exaggereated leading a bad name to Punjabis in world. Everywhere we go people use to ask so many questions on that alone, but I tell you mostly our punjabi values are such (inculcated by parents and our gurus) we stay away from these things and I know huge huge no of people who stay away from these things. Some people believed AAP are maligning our culture. There can be other ways in dealing with these problems.
14. Responsibilty - People have problems in their lives and they have given u mandate so that you can solve their problems. Each time your party men do press conference and tell people how PM and Center are creating problems, it makes them believe u r not acting responsibily. They want things getting done; not about the problems on the way.

Though I am posting this write up on my blog if it ever reaches you, AAP Punjab can takes its cues from the reasons detailed here and hope corrective actions can be taken so that party does not get the drubbing that it got in recent elections.

Some of your members are really really wonderfull and they believe what other senior people say and it's further requested that do not project conspiracy theories to them such as

1. U will get all the media behind prisons
2. U have solid proofs against everybody and PM
3. EVMs are faulty elections are rigged
4. Your men are honest only etc. Etc.

Some of these things are based upon pure conjecture and when these people proclaim
these conspiracy theories to others they become laughing stocks and leading to lowering of the morale and thus leading to working at sub optimal levels.

U will also like to advice your people and senior members that too much media talking and too much marketing will also lead to lowering of value by public. Why can not AAP work selflessly and silently and let words of mouth spread that here is a party which can work and do wonders for country.


shweta said...

Descriptive , jotted the points well. Hope it reaches the right ears! All the best !

Unknown said...

Gud MOHIT bhaji, the moral of your write up is that AK is!!! Gadha